10-11 Oct 2017 Paris (France)

2nd meeting of the FSER laureates

     This meeting will bring together for the second time not only the laureats of the Fondation Schlumberger pour l'Education et la Recherche but also their team members. Emphasis will be placed on young researchers, since except for the plenary sessions given by the new laureates, talks will be given exclusively by team members. Based on the preliminary survey, 35 teams should be represented and about 30 laureates should attend. 

This meeting will be caracterized by:

- its scientific variety and excellence, since multiple domaines of life sciences will be represented (epigenetics, stem cells, neurosciences, immunology, biophysics... to name only a few) by teams amongst the best in their field

- its social perspectives since several networking and social hours will be organized


 Sign up now!

     If more talk abstract are submitted than the length of the meeting allows room for, priority will be given to the representation of the diversity of participating labs.


Imagine Institute


The meeting will take place at the Imagine Institute, in Paris.




June 15th : Abstract submission for talks

July 20st : Registration and poster abstract submission

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